Welcome from the Executive Headteacher
The Woodland Federation was formed in 2018 and since that time we have worked hard to embed excellent practice across the two schools: Winkleigh Primary School and Kings Nympton Primary School. By thinking of ourselves as an 11 class school, we are able to share the expertise of subject leaders and teachers from Preschool/Nursery through to Year 6.
Throughout the Federation, we have a talented and dedicated team who provide challenging and memorable learning experiences for all of our children.
Both our Preschool at Kings Nympton, and Nursery at Winkleigh are run by the schools. This allows us to provide a seamless transition on entry into school as children are already familiar with the environment, routines and staff. Our Early Years Lead has an overview across the Federation and works closely with the Early Years Foundation Stage staff.
Our SENDCo works across the Federation which greatly benefits all of our children.
Our curriculum is carefully interwoven and underpinned by seven concepts: Civilisation, Conflict, Evolution, Construction, Innovation, Environment, Legacy. The children begin to learn these concepts from the very start of their time with us in Preschool/Nursery. They are taught to contextualise the concepts and revisit them throughout their journey of education - up until the end of Year 6.
We pride ourselves on our IT provision; every child in Key Stage 1 and 2 is allocated an iPad to use in school. This allows teachers to scaffold when needed and ensure the learning is personalised to individual children. Children have quick access to resources needed in lessons.
Outdoor learning plays an important part in our curriculum, both schools have wonderful grounds that are utilised as much as possible within our curriculum plans. Kings Nympton Primary School has a fantastic Forest School programme.
Trips and residentials are another pivotal aspect of our schools. We believe these opportunities enhance children’s understanding of their learning journey and provide first-hand experiences which help children secure their knowledge. For children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6), we plan an annual residential for each year group. These build on our curriculum and also provide a rich cultural and diverse aspect to our curriculum, for example in Year 6 children experience a 3-day residential to London where they visit key attractions in the capital, visit Parliament and experience a West End show, as well as a wealth of other experiences with their peers.